Category Archives: The Shepheardes Calender


Live audio from the world premiere of The Shepheardes Calender. May 15, 2019, Harold Acton Library, British Institute of Florence Poetry: Edmund Spenser Original Music, Piano: R. David Salvage Narrator, Film: Andrea Argentieri

“The Shepheardes Calender — Aprill”

Albumleaf 160: April 4, 2019 (Bologna) To demonstrate the absent Colin’s skill in song, Hobbinol, who loves him, sings Collin’s lay for Eliza, the queen of shepherds.


With English subtitles


Con sottotitoli in italiano

“The Shepheardes Calender — March”

Albumleaf 159: March 6, 2019 (Bologna) Thomalin explains to Willye how he knows that Cupid is afoot, even though the spring has not quite arrived.

“The Shepheardes Calender — Februarie”

Albumleaf 157: February 12, 2019 (Bologna) Cuddie, a herdsman’s boy, and Thenot, an old shepherd, argue the merits of youth and old age in coping with the winter cold.

“Loe I have made a Calender . . .”

Loe I haue made a Calender for euery yeare . . And if I marked well the starres reuolution, It shall continewe till the worlds dissolution . . . Goe lyttle Calender, thou hast a free passeporte, Goe but a lowly gate emongste the meaner sorte. Dare not to match thy pype with Tityrus his […]

“The Shepheardes Calender — Januarye”

Albumleaf 154: January 3, 2019 (Bologna) Colin, a shepherd’s boy, bemoans his unrequited love for Rosalind and likens his state to the barren season around him.  Bereft of hope, he breaks his pipe in pieces.

“The Shepheardes Calender — December”

Albumleaf 153: December 17, 2018 (Bologna) Colin likens his life to the passing of the seasons and bids adieu to the world.  

“The Shepheardes Calender — November”

Albumleaf 150: November 15, 2018 (Bologna) Colin sings of Dido’s death.