Monthly Archives: January 2019


Albumleaf 155: January 18, 2019 (Bologna) Just swishing out between bigger ‘leaves.

“Loe I have made a Calender . . .”

Loe I haue made a Calender for euery yeare . . And if I marked well the starres reuolution, It shall continewe till the worlds dissolution . . . Goe lyttle Calender, thou hast a free passeporte, Goe but a lowly gate emongste the meaner sorte. Dare not to match thy pype with Tityrus his […]

“The Shepheardes Calender — Januarye”

Albumleaf 154: January 3, 2019 (Bologna) Colin, a shepherd’s boy, bemoans his unrequited love for Rosalind and likens his state to the barren season around him.  Bereft of hope, he breaks his pipe in pieces.