“The Fox and Ape Enter Court”

Albumleaf 36: September 29, 2010 (Farmville)

Then gan this craftie couple to deuize,
How for the Court themselues they might aguize:
For thither they themselues meant to addresse,
In hope to finde there happier successe,
So well they shifted, that the Ape anon
Himselfe had cloathed like a Gentleman,
And the slie Fox, as like to be his groome,
That to the Court in seemly sort they come.
Where the fond Ape himselfe vprearing hy
Vpon his tiptoes, stalketh by,
As if he were some great Magnifico,
And boldlie doth amongst the boldest go.
And his man Reynold with fine counterfesaunce
Supports his credite and his fine countenaunce.
Then gan the Courtiers gaze on euerie side,
And stare on him, with big lookes basen wide,
Wondring what mister wight he was, and whence:
For he was clad in strange accoustrements,
Fashion’d with queint deuises neuer seene
In Court before, yet there all fashions beene . . .

–Edmund Spenser, Mother Hubbard’s Tale, li. 655-674

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